CEMB Applicant Profile

The Applicant Profile

  1. Should provide important information about the applicant's qualifications and goals. Things that cannot come from the school transcripts, or letters of recommendation.
  2. This statement is very different from the GRE writing assignments or medical school application letters. Keep it short and to the purpose of securing a faculty sponsor.
  3. The Program Director will review this document to summarize the applicants qualities.
    • The applicant profile will be sent to the program faculty listed by the applicant.
    • This will be critical to attracting interest from program faculty to secure a faculty sponsor
    • Interested faculty will then read the entire applicant profile to determine whether the applicant matches their research program. Length is a detriment. Keep the statement concise and informative. Brevity is important. 

Important Information to Include

  1. What research experience have you had and with whom
  2. What are your post graduate degree goals (i.e., what do you plan to do after completing your graduate degree)
  3. What are your specific areas of research interest
  4. Which program faculty have research that is attractive to you.  Only provide the names of the faculty. Be as inclusive as possible.

What does not need to be in the applicant profile

  1. Childhood experiences
  2. Colorful memories

Blank Applicant Profile

View an example of a completed Applicant Profile