REU in Applied Biology

Anticipated Program dates: Unkonwn

Note: this REU program was not funded. We plan to apply again some time in the future so check back.

Application deadline: March 3, 201?.

The Program in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Arkansas is hosting a National Science Foundation supported REU program in Biotechnology for the summer of 2014.

The 10-week summer program allows undergraduate majors, who will be juniors or seniors next Fall, to carry out research with a faculty member in the general area of applied biotechnology (see REU Faculty link for research projects).

Participants will present the results of their summer projects at the conclusion of the program. Participants will also interact on a weekly basis in professional development meetings, and "REU-night-out" with other summer undergraduate fellows in other REU programs and the Carver program.

All privileges normally enjoyed by university students will be extended to all summer REU students.

The program will provide housing in campus residence halls and an on-campus meal plan. Participants will receive a stipend of $5000, and up to $400 in travel.

Application Instructions
All applicants must have completed 60 hours of college credit prior to the program start date with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale). Students who will graduate prior to the program start date are not eligible. Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.A. or its possessions to be eligible. To apply, complete the application form and submit the form along with:
1) An official transcript (sealed)
2) A current resume
3) Two letters of recommendation from your current faculty
4) A personal statement that must describe a) your research interests and experiences, and b) your plans for future professional or graduate education.

NOTE: This REU program primarily focuses on undergraduate students from Universities that have agreements with the University of Arkansas through our George Washington Carver Research Program. Click here to check whether your institution is on that list (although this list may not be fully up to date).

Application Form<<<<<<<<Don't Apply, We weren't funded

All application materials should be in one envelope and received at the address below by the application deadline

NOTE: Please note that information provided in the application may be used to report statistics to the National Science Foundation or other reporting agencies in an aggregate report. All information provided will remain confidential

For inquiries contact:
Dr. Douglas Rhoads